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The Importance of Preserving Medical Liberties

Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.
- Doctor Benjamin Rush (1746-1813)

Doctor Benjamin Rush realized all to well, the dangers inherent with unchecked power. We are faced with this very circumstance today. We are at a turning point in history, and we have a choice to make that will impact our future and the future of potential generations to come.

Honestly, I have waffled on whether to be publicly vocal on the matter or not. I generally loathe politics, and as a believer, I understand that certain things are supposed to take place according to God's plan for the world. I can clearly see the path being set for not only mandated vaccines, but also combining infringements on freedom of speech with a major lack in our educational system, I see masses of people not only being okay with forced vaccinations, but demanding it and shaming those who resist.

I will continue to pray on the matter and ask the Lord to guide my thoughts and actions. For now, I will share with you something I posted after just such a discussion with a dear friend of mine who is perfectly fine with taking away my right to choose what I do with my own body. This is a bit long, so settle in. I welcome civil discussion:

Freedom means freedom...PERIOD. It is what millions of men and women have died to defend. The word 'Freedom' is all-encompassing - it does not allow room to cherry pick what is included or excluded in that freedom. The very fact that people question the validity of individual freedom, or liberty, serves as evidence of their ignorance of just how costly freedom is, and how essential it is to individuality.

In Hosea 4:6 God says: "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge..." He may have been referencing Israel in that passage, but it acutely illustrates the impending doom of a people starved for knowledge and steeped in ignorance. Perhaps my friend so cavalierly gives away her freedom of choice and mine because she has never lived through a period of time of not having it; thankfully, I never have either...yet. The old adage rings true: You don't know what you've got, til it's gone.

Freedom, or Liberty, is a precious gift. Something that, God in all His wisdom, knew we had to have, even knowing how badly we would mishandle it. Liberty has lead to some painful moments in history; equally so, has the giving up of Liberty. I cannot think of a single instance in history when a people giving up their Liberty to a governing authority for the promise of safety, security, wealth or health, has benefitted those that gave it up. Time after time, it has shown to lead to the exact opposite of the promise...always unto tyranny.

The horrendous interment camps did not die with Hitler...and perhaps the cruelty of many countries today does not make it onto the nightly "news", but it exists...and it exists for generations beyond the original generation that gave away their freedoms. It doesn't happen over is a slow and gradual giving up of liberty; piece by piece, until one morning, you wake up to the realization that it is all gone.

Billions of people live in the world without freedom. In the worst of these countries, they live in fear and insecurity. They are starving - picking through trash for their meals, publicly shamed and ridiculed, diseased and without help. They are prisoners - labor camp inmates, subjected to the most barbarous treatment. They are children, left to fend for themselves and often forced to perform dangerous and self-degrading labor.

They are civilians cowering under the constant barrage of bombing and shelling. They are women who are second-class citizens, unable to leave their home without completely covering themselves...without permission or an escort. They are the aged and infirm that barely subsist under dangerous environmental conditions. Even in partially free countries, these citizens live in fear of arrest, imprisonment or death if they step outside the lines.

Medical freedom of choice: The freedom, the right, to choose to, or not to participate in a procedure that carries risk (such as vaccination), may seem selfish to some; but bodily autonomy is a freedom and a right. It is a freedom that can have unintended consequences for other people, but an individual freedom nonetheless.

It is not only my freedom, but yours as well. We may disagree, but as with freedom of speech, which can also have life-impacting consequences, I will defend to the death, your freedom to choose. Negating individual medical freedom of choice for "the greater good" has had devastating consequences. We need only look to history, and recent history at that, for confirmation:

In an effort to improve the gene pool for the greater good of humanity, laws were enacted across 32 states that mandated sterilization of American citizens, men and women, without their consent and sometimes without their knowledge. This forced sterilization continued from the early 1900's all the way until the 1970's; and again in some instances between 2000-2010 for immigrants. Many in power believed criminality, mental disorders (including addiction, depression and anxiety), and being poor were hereditary (all in the family). As a result, such individuals were deemed unfit to procreate.

Conversely, those that were deemed fit to procreate where given "certificates" to prove their freedom to do so. I have heard stories of late of various governing authorities both in the U.S. and overseas, throwing around ideas of requiring "certificates of vaccination" that would allow citizens to freely move about - go to the store, to work, to restaurants. Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

Driven by prejudiced notions of science and social control, these programs informed policies on immigration, marriage and economics all in the name of the "greater good". Mere men were granted power over the human body.

So who decided who was able to procreate, and who was not? What qualified them to make such lasting, consequential and life-altering decisions for other people? Those two questions must be asked of those who are asking for the same power to make determinations for you and me today.

The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.
-Ayn Rand

When it comes to Pandemics and Individual Medical Freedom of choice, there will not be any easy solutions...Matters of health for the whole population, are the conundrum of billions of individual people constituting a society.

Far be it from me to speak out against revoking medical freedom of choice without offering recommendations for solutions. I suggest we come up with real solutions that take into account the individual. Having worked in the medical field, I know firsthand that there is a large portion of the population who are unaware of how their decisions impact others, and others who will not do what is considerate even if they know right from wrong. So trusting that people will look out for others is not logical.

We have all heard the croupy baby at the grocery store and have wondered why on earth they are there. Many have had conversations with people who were just home that morning, or just yesterday, throwing up and feverish...or that has someone home, right now, doing the same. We have all seen the person at the gas pump hock a lougee and cough openly, or dig in their nose and then put the gas pump back. Today, during this Pandemic of "massive proportions", many have witnessed the extent of the cleaning skills of those in the service industry, when cleanliness is supposed to be, and is reported to be, on the forefront of the battle field.

The first suggestion I offer is BETTER EDUCATION. Many people do not know that you are still infectious up to 7 days after the last day of your symptoms, or that if someone is home with symptoms today, you are a carrier likely to infect anyone you come in contact with. 2) Restructuring of Employment laws to allow for separate sick time pay from PTO (like we used to have). If nothing else, 2020 has shown us the importance of mitigating disease transmission by staying home.

Remove the stigma attached to people needing to call off work due to illness. I do feel a shift in that stigma this year as it seems employers are finally understanding that absence is preferable to attendance in terms of contagious disease...but we all have immune systems that function differently and I believe this needs to be reinforced, even outside of a Pandemic. I also strongly recommend that we come together and actually address the concerns of those who question vaccine safety, rather than discounting them as "dangerous to science".

Questioning vaccine efficacy has gained traction over the last decade, and has practically been classified as taboo by the mainstream media and by many in both the conventional medical and science fields...they practically take it as a personal affront. But, the very foundation of science is to question! To question, test, re-test, prove, reprove, disprove, improve...Questioning is how we progress as a society. If we did not question, we would still be bleeding people when they are ill and casting out demons for the common cold. We would still be encouraging everyone, especially pregnant women, to smoke.

Our vaccine process has been in place for a little over a century with the only changes being to add new vaccines and increase the number of dosages! There are enough people that have legitimate concerns over vaccine safety and efficacy, that perhaps it is time to invite the opposing side in and take a good hard look...or is it just too good of a cash cow? What a wonderful position it must be for manufacturers to be free from all liability...

This is not the first time in history we have had to fight for the right to medical freedom from mandated vaccines...Unfortunately, our education system is built upon 'selective' history. Again, those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

It is incredibly dangerous when we consider giving up basic freedoms for the 'promise' of health and safety; especially to people in positions of power and authority who have really show-cased their general inability to coordinate and address other issues facing our nation. We must consider all sides, examine history and think of the future. We must retain our ability to think critically and freely for ourselves. No matter where you personally land on the issue of vaccination, we ALL must strive to preserve Liberty and Life.

Standing against the tide is never easy. I've been doing it for the better part of a decade, just with my family and friends...and I can tell you, it does not get any easier. My hope is that you will take this Letter, and prayerfully consider how you will respond when they come for your medical freedom. Feel free to print and disperse this, as it is a plea for the masses to cherish the freedom they have and defend it.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children, and our children's children what it was once like in the United States when men were free.
-Ronald Reagan


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DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is for educational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose and treat diseases.  It is recommended that you thoroughly educate yourself regarding the proper identification, usage and cautions regarding any herbs or products mentioned on this website.  Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.​

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