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My Story



My name is Anne Elizabeth; I am a Certified Medical Assistant (AAMA) and have dedicated the last decade of my life to studying herbal and natural remedies, lifestyle modifications, asking questions and researching. I continue to self-educate because, if I learned anything from 2020, it is that nothing is certain, nothing is guaranteed and plans can quickly change! 
There were many triggers for my new-found "hobby" back in 2009, but all of them revolved around trying to fix various health issues I was suffering from at the time; being misdiagnosed repeatedly for various ailments, prescribed drugs for the wrong thing(s) and then dealing with the side-effects of those drugs - those things combined to catapult me into the natural and alternative health world.

I really started to question...everything I had ever been told. You might even say, a free-lance, mini-scientist was born that year! A scientist tries to understand how our world, or other things work. Scientists make observations, ask questions, and do extensive research work in finding the answers to many questions others may not know about. A scientist should possess a sense of intellectual honesty, an inherent curiosity and an insatiable thirst for the pursuit of truth and knowledge.

My curiosities have revolved around health, therapies, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, physiology and natural remedies. My life-experience has really allowed me to develop a well-rounded education...from working in the conventional medical field, to working in the natural health field. My extra-curricular activities in the Ohio Military Reserves help to shape my ability to focus and be deliberate in my path. 
I make it a point to learn new things regularly, because one question often leads to another and new developments are always a day away. I deeply desire to help people who are suffering from chronic ailments and who want to get to the root of the problem. I have spoken with countless individuals who express frustration with "pill-hopping" to try to get to a solution. Many people have grown weary of the conventional medical field and are gravitating more towards the alternative.
I believe strongly that the conventional medical field has its place, and I am NOT a Doctor or Physician in any way - I am simply an investigator, researcher and reporter. I personally choose to exhaust every known or purported natural remedy before I request a prescription. I do this as much as to 'test' purported remedies as to find what works for me. I am then able to report to you my personal experiential findings with whatever remedy. This makes me a go-to when issues arise for members of my family who are looking for natural remedies.
I believe that God created our bodies with the ability to heal themselves when properly supported. I also believe God gave us herbs, roots, flowers, fruits and vegetables - all of which have been found to contain various healing properties. We live in a fallen world, so we will suffer...our bodies will be afflicted, they will be imperfect - but I believe we can experience peace and relief from some things by making small adjustments to diet and lifestyle - what a cheap and often immediate way to better ourselves! 

Each person is unique...there are NO two alike...what works for me, may not work for you and vice versa. Natural remedies are found often through trial and error. Natural remedies also, generally, do not provide instantaneous relief from symptoms. They are meant to help with the healing process of whatever is going on...not to be used for symptom suppression. That means, it can take time to get to the place you want to be. They are also not meant to be used indefinitely...

I hope you find my articles and resources helpful in your journey. I am happy to help with questions and support and to help guide you in any research you may be the best of my ability. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me. If I do not have the answer, I may ask for time to research and get back with you. Lastly, be sure to do some digging yourself. I want you to take charge of your health - that means asking questions; educating yourself so you are not so reliant on fallible man, and not dependent on unnecessary

I enjoy several activities in my free time: Serving at church, spending time with my husband, family, kitties and church family, learning about health and healing remedies, crafting, fossil hunting, singing, playing piano, being out in nature, antiquing...


DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is for educational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose and treat diseases.  It is recommended that you thoroughly educate yourself regarding the proper identification, usage and cautions regarding any herbs or products mentioned on this website.  Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.​


© 2019 Foundations for Health and Wellness

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