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Prune Juice Cleanse

This 3 Day Prune Juice cleanse was developed as a way to expel waste and excess toxins from the skin, intestines, lungs, kidneys and liver – the organs of detoxification.

It is a full-body detoxification process created to improve weight management and overall health. Due to the primary catalyst being prune juice, it is not as harsh as some other cleanses and detoxes may be; so if you are new to cleansing, this is an excellent place to start!

For some people, Prune Juice does not have the same effects, so if you get into the cleanse and are not expelling waste any more than usual, try switching to an Organic, Unfiltered Apple or Grape Juice instead.

The specific items listed below, are what I personally use when I cleanse. As long as the product is USDA Certified Organic and preferable Non-GMO project verified, then go for it!

Prepare for the Cleanse

What You’ll Need for the cleanse itself:

  • Knudsen 100% Organic Prune Juice

  • Traditional Medicinals Everyday Detox Tea

  • Water

  • Vita Coco Coconut Oil

What You’ll Need for the cleanse diet:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables of your liking; ready to grab. Stuff for salads (vinaigrette dressings/home made dressings)

  • Bone Broth/Bone Broth Soups (I personally like Kettle & Fire)

  • Nuts & Seeds (In Granola/crackers is fine)

  • Legumes (black and Kidney beans are great!)

  • Pre and Probiotics such as Gutzy, Keifer, Good belly, Non-dairy yogurt (SO Coconut Yogurt/Non-Dairy Chobani/Coconut Dream)

  • Electrolyte Balancing drink (Coconut Water/Electrolyte juice recipe) taken once a day

  • Tumeric/Curcumin

This is a simple cleanse that doesn’t require expensive gadgets, appliances, or foods. These are the only ingredients you’ll need to complete the 3 day cleanse. However, preparation is about more than just the juice; it is about after the cleanse as well; putting good fuel in your tank. The purpose of cleansing is to do a system reset, and lay a good foundation for rebuilding your body for optimal nutrient absorption.

Detoxing can be difficult, so prepare mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. If you have multiple family members under one roof, ask for prayers and support ahead of time, maybe even see if they want to cleanse with you!

If you have never cleansed before, fasted, or eliminated any hard to digest foods from your diet, you could be in for a rough ride. You are peeling back layers of inflammation which means numerous side effects can occur. Proper hydration and electrolyte balancing is key to elimination and to staving off certain side effects such as:

  • Headaches, migraines, fever

  • Nausea, bloating, excessive gas

  • Constipation, vomiting

  • Mucus extraction: lungs, nose, eyes

  • Flu-like symptoms

  • Fatigue, irritability, moodiness

It is best not to jump into the cleanse cold turkey. Prepare for the 3 day cleanse by first weaning yourself off refined sugar and anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup in it; be ready for withdrawals. Proceed to then replace meats and dairy with raw vegetables, fruits, bone broths, legumes and nuts. By easing yourself into the cleanse, you’ll have a much more positive experience with less severe physical manifestations and illness.

Tip: Plan to be Home!

Everyone knows that prunes do something “down there”, so flushing your body with prune juice is definitely going to require fast and easy access to your restroom. Prepare to be home for the entirety of the cleanse. Stock up with enough juices to prevent having to run to the store last minute, and keep your workload to a minimum to avoid added stress on the mind and body during the cleanse. Take this dedicated home time to pray and study God's word and His will for your health and life.

Know What to Expect

You may feel ill during the cleanse or you might be fine! Everyone is unique, and toxicity levels will be different for every individual. Physical manifestations of illness during the cleanse will be most acute in the areas of the body that is eliminating waste, so as layers are being removed, you may see or feel different sensations. However, the cleansing process of eliminating toxins and poisons from the body induces healing. The cleaner your organs and functioning systems are, the healthier you will be.

While prune juice is excellent for stimulating the bowels, it’s doing more than just having you sprint to the bathroom. It acts as an extractor of toxins and bile by drawing it out from all systems and organs of the body to pull it into the digestive tract for elimination. Even your lungs, pores on the skin, and your liver and kidneys will be very involved in the process.

In fact, don’t be surprised to pass floating, dark green-like, solid, waxy rocks of poop! From years of accumulated bile, you’re actually passing early gallstones that clog the liver bile ducts. They’re coagulated, waxy cholesterol accumulations from the liver and gallbladder.

Because constipation can occur, you’ll need to lubricate your tract and bile ducts. This is where the coconut oil comes in.

Don’t be surprised if you find your bowl motions can be coated in a white mucus-like substance. This is an indication of “wet” organs. Your organs are saturated from too much dairy and heavy proteins. If you haven’t yet cut your consumption of cheese and milk, just seeing your poop might change your mind for you. If you experience cramping and other related stomach aches, drink more prune juice to help the elimination process along.

Three Day Cleanse Instructions

Here’s the down low on when to drink the juice and how much.

  • Upon waking, drink at least 8 ounces or more of water; this helps to stimulate your organ and metabolic function.

  • When you are mentally ready, drink 12 ounces of 100 percent prune juice

  • Wait at least 30 minutes before drinking more water

  • After using the restroom, drink more water.

  • Repeat with the prune juice and water just prior to each meal.

  • Take 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil 3 times throughout the day at normal meal times. This can be difficult to get down, if you are having trouble, mix with a nice hot cup of Traditional Medicinals Everyday Detox Tea.

  • Spend some time in the sun to help stimulate organ function to aid in the detox process and to boost your overall mood. 15 minutes, twice a day.

  • Repeat this entire routine each day of the cleanse just prior to each meal.

Come Out of the Cleanse Gracefully

While removing built up toxins, it is extremely important that you don’t stress the delicate state your body is in. Transition out of the cleanse and into your new healthful life with an organic diet.

Typically, the idea of the cleanse is to help you shift to a healthier diet and lifestyle free of mucus-inducing foods and sticking with a plant-based diet. However, if you’re a dedicated carnivore, stick with lean meats and fish.

Cautions – Who Shouldn’t do a Cleanse

We’ve already covered side effects and what to expect during the cleanse. However, we do want to mention that if you have diabetes, are on any medications, or you have a chronic illness, do not attempt the 3 day prune juice cleanse without discussing with your health practitioner first.

Also, pregnant women and children should not, under any circumstances, attempt any cleanse. Teens may be able to the cleanse with supervision and medical approval.

Wear Your Comfy pants!

Get ready for the cleanse by wearing super comfy and easy to pull down comfy pants! There’s no one to impress when you’re making leaps and bounds for the toilet!

Don’t forget with every inevitable grunt and push, you’re doing the best thing for your body – spring cleaning it! Good luck!



DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is for educational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose and treat diseases.  It is recommended that you thoroughly educate yourself regarding the proper identification, usage and cautions regarding any herbs or products mentioned on this website.  Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.​

© 2019 Foundations for Health and Wellness

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