Each state is different for what it will or will not allow in terms of vaccine exemptions. Because, at the moment, the federal government is unable to mandate the current recommended vaccine, it is turning to employers and universities to bridge the gap. If you do not have a legitimate medical exemption, likely your only other option will be a religious exemption; most places will not allow for philosophical exemptions.
Before filing for a religious exemption, I would encourage you to prayerfully consider how far you are willing to go to hold your ground, as well as consider your witness. You will be standing up and saying, "I am a believer in Jesus Christ, and this mandate violates my deeply held beliefs." Draw your lines now, and be resolved not to move past them, taking into the consideration the possibility of future job/school loss and who knows what else.

I would encourage you to keep your decision to yourself as much as possible; it is your private decision. Prepare yourself for workplace/school ridicule and bullying, and for no consequences for the offenders...Taking a stand and being granted the religious exemption can be very isolating. When I made my stand, I was one of three people in a company of 300, and all of three of us faced mockery and bullying on various levels from Doctors, Nurses and Supervisors. My reasoning to decline presents a real crisis of conscience to consider getting vaccinated, so I was more than willing to withstand the bullying with bold confidence. I was unapologetic; but the environment today revolving around vaccines is significantly more volatile and people are not holding back with their thoughts or their rage...so again, draw the lines you will not cross ahead of time and be confident in your decision.
Lastly, feel free to use mine as a template and make this your own. I would encourage you to copy and paste this into a word document and put your words into it. Replace what you want to replace, reword and rephrase. STAY AWAY FROM Philosophy...statistical data, statements like: this is experimental. Most states/employers do not allow for Philosophical exemptions with regards to work or school and if such things are included in the religious exemption, it may be denied because they will assume you are filing under the guise of religion but really only have philosophical opposition.
I am praying for everyone in this deplorable situation...stay strong, trust God and be kind and considerate of others. Please click on the link to download my free pdf. If you have any difficulty, or any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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