
We are all just one paycheck away from missing a meal, or losing a home. We can only prepare so much, because none of us really knows the future, beyond biblical prophecy. And, there is something to be said for relying on God to provide in times of need. But, when you are able, you should plan ahead as best as possible. Hard times will come, and indeed are already here for many in our nation. I suspect, the hardships will continue and even increase in the next few years. So, now would be an excellent time to prepare to be able to meet your family's needs.
Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Social...these are the non-physical/non-material areas to prepare for. I would argue that these areas are most important, with Spiritual being at the top of the list. I cannot tell you how thankful I am for my faith in God and having an understanding of His plan for the world. It does not make anything going on right now any less sad, distressing, stressful or scary...but remembering that God is in complete control, and He will take care of His own does help me to remain calm and refocus my energy and emotions.
Shelter, Warmth, Food, Water, Financial, Medical and Hygiene...these are the physical or material areas to consider preparing for. These areas may be harder to start to prepare for now, as opposed to six months ago...particularly with dwindling stock again; but, try. If you can, if you can afford to...allow for some extra room in your grocery budget to buy multiples of a few items, or make several trips.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with having extra at home; if anything it is a matter of convenience - especially if you live outside the city. If a food item gets close to the use by date and you are not going to use it, donate it. Use and replace, donate and replace...everybody wins. See my Preparedness Blog Articles for more helpful tips. I will be adding to my library.