Build on a strong foundation so when afflictions come, you will be better equipped to withstand them
Matthew 7:24-25
Power Over Cancer by Larry Pahl
If you are cancer-free, this book will show you what to do and what not to do that will help you stay cancer-free. If you are currently fighting the disease of cancer, this book can serve as an excellent source of information as to what you can do to support the medical treatment you are receiving. If you have received successful cancer treatment, this book can show you how to live so you can re-establish the optimum running efficiency of your anti-cancer defense system, the only way you can expect to stay cancer-free! "Killing cancer cells (with chemo and radiation) is not how you recover from cancer. You recover by rebuilding your body's balance and by making it hostile to cancer cells. Once your body has its cancer-fighting balance restored, it takes care of the cancer cells, just as it always had before you were diagnosed with cancer," Bill Henderson, author of Cancer Free. "Managing stress and replacing cancer promoting foods and drinks with an organic, whole foods diet are vital to re-establishing the optimal working condition of our anti-cancer defense system. Becoming proactive by embracing the anti-cancer lifestyle will put you squarely on the path to regaining your 'Power Over Cancer', Larry Pahl, L.M.T., author of the Power Over Cancer series of Wellness Books. "1.2 Million people will find out this year that they have cancer. Roughly 40% of these cases will be for breast, prostate or colon cancer. How these people proceed in terms of nutrition and stress management will determine their ability to survive and thrive once again." T. Colin Campbell.