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Everything in Moderation

Updated: Sep 2, 2019

Have your cake and eat it too!

There is a central tendency when we are in the throes of feeling bad about our body image, to feel it necessary to start a water-and-kale-only diet, immediately. This mentality certainly will almost always result in failure, leaving the person feeling even more dejected and more out of control than they did before.

"Everything in moderation" is a principal I hold true to for almost every facet of my life, including my diet. There are some things that just should not be a part of anyone's diet.; but we need to take into consideration that we've been raised on certain things, we've become used to certain things and we enjoy certain things. So finding a good balance between eating a healthy, nutritious diet and still being able to enjoy things is imperative to our success.

So enjoying these foods that we have become accustomed to in moderation is key. This can mean in smaller amounts, less often or both. Of course, when trying to help your body fight off internal inflammation, you may reach a point where you have to decide between desire and health. There are many things I personally have given up on my journey, but don't worry; I still indulge!

As you age, your body will let you know when it does not like something; and you can chose to ignore it, or you can face it and accept the new-found limitation. Our body's are incredibly capable of telling us when we have ingested something bad. But sadly, we are often so inflamed internally, that we do not recognize new inflammation when it occurs.

The fact is, you are the only one living in your body, so you are the only one who can control what goes in, and only you know when something makes you feel badly enough that you no longer wish to indulge. So listen to your body as you clean up your diet and set those moderations with your health in mind.

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