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Getting Healthy is not Always About Weight-loss...

Updated: Sep 9, 2020

God made each of us to be unique...that means we are unique in our needs as well. It is programmed in, from an early age, what the ideal body type or weight is...but the truth is it is different for everyone. It is all about finding balance, and the right balance for you, between your weight and height.

But getting healthy is more than just weight-loss...sometimes, weight-loss is a happy consequence of getting healthy. Getting healthy is so much enables you to feel your best - on the inside and out. It helps to defeat some chronic (long-lasting) health issues ranging anywhere from chronic pain and inflammation, to skin eruptions, to fatigue, abdominal distress and more. Getting healthy helps to bring your body back to a state of good balance.

Sometimes getting healthy is changing your thinking can be as simple as learning to let go of things you cannot control...learning how to choose your battles, and what is and is not worth your time and energy. It can mean learning how to incorporate quiet time into your day, or regular retreats into you and your family's life.

So prayerfully consider your motivations for your health journey. The more grounded your motivations are, the more likely you are to succeed. Don't make the mistake of limiting yourself to just losing weight. Look at your health (w)holistically - spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically...and dream big!

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