Getting older is not for the is definitely a frustrating if not sometimes scary process. Once you get to a certain age, you start to realize how much you are at the mercy of your own body. It is amazing how you can wake up not being able to do or eat something you were able to do or eat, just the day before.
Our bodies were not designed to live forever, but many of us (myself included) neglect taking care of ourselves when caught up in the daily grind. When I was working in the conventional medical field, I was heartbroken, when interacting with the elderly patient population, to see and hear from them about just how much of their retirement time and money was spent at the Doctor's office. Now, most of these patients had some sort of chronic health condition...but they were frequently seeing a health professional of one degree or another.
I really encourage everyone to take time now, to work on their health - Now, while you are young(er), have more energy and are more able to adjust to changes. I call it "preventative maintenance". Just as you would not let a vehicle go forever without taking strides to preserve its safety and efficacy, maintain your personal vehicle - your body.
It is never too late to start. Start today! And if you are like me, start again tomorrow, and again the next day and the next...You want to prepare your body for your golden years so they can actually be golden. Think ahead to the problems you might face due to family history and genetics and include generalities that everyone faces as they age.
If you would like help figuring out what things to prepare your body for, reach out to us. Our alternative health practitioners are ready to help!