Ahhhh the age-old conundrum; you want to lose weight and get healthier, so you consider making the switch...afterall, the word "diet" is in the name, so it must do something to contribute to the reduction of your midsection...plus, all those skinny people were drinking it in the commercial, so it must be true!
So what is the answer? Regular, or Diet? Answer: neither.
Pop does nothing for your health, infact, if your aim is to lose weight and you are drinking it regularly, stopping pop and replacing it with water could prove to be a fast weight-drop for you! In any case, it certainly will drop your blood sugar...so dropping the pop is an all-around win for your health!
When I was a teenager I would drink a whole 2 liter of Pepsi in one day, if not one sitting!! How I avoided both kidney stones and diabetes, Heaven only knows. But your body will let you know when to stop something, and mine did in the form of heart palpitations. In an effort to decrease those scary little mis-beats, I decided to stop drinking caffeine and without realizing it, I dropped 30lbs!
Simply removing pop can have amazing benefits. Most namebrand pop contains a plethora of ingredients that are just not meant for human consumption; some are even banned in other countries! But the next time you pick up a soda, check out the label for the total grams of sugar...most sodas contain over 40 grams in one single can, twice that in 16oz bottles and by that math, four times that amount in a typical gas station 40oz cup.
We are only supposed to consume 25-37.5 grams of added sugar a day...at most. With the knowledge that sugar breaks down into fat, and given that the average American drinks roughly 4-5 servings of pop per day, it is no wonder both diabetes and obesity are an epidemic.
But, as always, everything in moderation! Once you kick the habit, there is no harm in indulging in healthier soda alternatives from time to time, and there are plenty out there!

But don't be fooled! Just because Organic soda contains natural ingredients like real fruit juice and actual cane sugar instead of High fructose corn sludge, they often still contain large amounts of sugar. So, consume in moderation. Drink half of a can or bottle, instead of a whole one.
Alternately, opt for a juice-flavored soda water instead.

You can make these at home or buy brands in the store, such as La-Croix. It may seem impossible depending on where you are in your health journey, but speaking from experience (and despite indulgences), once you decrease your daily sugar intake, it gets easier to go without!
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