I have been keeping an eye on articles coming out over the last month, since the vaccine has been rolling out. I have watched as articles have prematurely explained away any deaths immediately following vaccination, prematurely explained why - if you get Covid-19 after getting the vaccine - the vaccine didn't fail, and prematurely lined up geese for slaughter for when the vaccine ultimately fails and Covid-19 remains.
They have been placing the blame on the shoulders of the "vaccine hesitant" and "science-deniers". We can now add "Christians" to that blame-saturated mix.
I knew it was coming. This article specifically mentions Christian Nationalists...but, just like everything else, expect to get lumped together - ALL Christians.
I have also been watching as this world grows increasingly dark and dismal, and as those who have the worst intentions continue to hold on to their positions of power and authority. I can look back at the last year, and see how my anger, stress, fear and frustration over our Nation has been evidence of where my hope has been.

I have finally reached the end of my hope in this world, and am now resting my hope squarely on Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, (where it should have been this whole time). This world will continue to get darker - but Jesus Christ has overcome the world! It is a difficult transition...but absolutely necessary; best of all - it does restore lost hope. It is a different hope - not one of returning to normal life, or reaching the 'American dream', but a lasting hope.
Speaking to my brothers and sisters in Christ - if you have been putting off deepening your faith, putting off being involved in church (due to the virus), if you have been putting other things first and waiting for things to get worse before really committing to God - I would say: NOW is the time; TODAY is the day.

Do not put it off any longer! You are going to need strength of faith in the Lord to face whatever may come - and more importantly: the world needs our light.

I believe strongly that time is growing short to be able to share Jesus's message of salvation freely - and once we lose our last defense, things will get really terrifying.
In addition to that, we need to be in constant prayer - we are fighting a battle NOT of flesh and blood:

I think people on both sides can sense a shift in our world...our way of life has irrevocably changed. Many of the things we are seeing and hearing today have been foretold to us.
I hope and pray I am wrong - I would love nothing more than for things to get back to some semblance of normalcy - but I really do not see it happening - not without a miracle : WE can be that miracle - but we have to come back to God - and encourage the world to do the same.
If you are not a believer in Jesus Christ - if you are not saved, I encourage you strongly to consider everything that has been going on, what it could mean, what the purpose of life is, and ask the question: What is the truth? Answering that question, will lead you down many different paths - but there is only one that makes any sense:
1) We are NOT here by accident; we were created by an intelligent designer for a purpose

2) Truth is not relative - there is universal truth and it is exclusive

3) We are ALL broken, sinful people in desperate need of salvation

4) There is a price to pay for sin - that price is death

5) The cost of sin is so great, that we cannot pay it ourselves. The GREAT news, is that that price has already been paid for us - we can be saved!

This is the most important decision you will ever make. It has a great impact on both this life and the next. God loves you - He loves you so much that He willingly died for you. Please consider accepting His free gift. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!
We CAN have hope in Jesus, and we CAN still stem the tide of evil in our nation.